About Mortar & Pestle

This company has been long in the making. Owner and creator, Caitlin Seaver, has had a dream of owning her own apothecary for decades. A pharmacist herself, she decided to put a twist on the idea of a vintage apothecary and turn it into a skincare and herbal company. Eventually, this shop will carry all types of skincare products as well as offer herbal concoctions of her own. Caitlin is a longtime lover of fantasy and sci-fi, so customers should expect to see some geeky flair along the way! 

Whenever possible, this company will strive to use the best environmentally conscious products.

* Most of our products will be in glass containers instead of plastic. While this may add to shipping costs, we believe that glass is a better choice for our products. Glass can be infinitely recycled over and over whereas many plastics are used once and then thrown out. We hope you find another use for your containers when you are done with our product or recycle them responsibly. In the future, we hope to have a recycling program where our containers can be sanitized and reused while also giving the customer a discount!

* We will also use as many local products as possible to support local businesses. 

* When researching ingredients we also found using mica (a natural colorant) an ethically questionable choice. We have now decided that going forward, none of our products will have any color or dye in them. Not only do we believe this a good ethical decision, but it also makes our products more simplified with fewer ingredients.